Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                                                                                                   November 9, 2015

30 miles

Howdy :)
We had a good week!!
It is finally cooling down here in Texas.
Well kind of, one day hot, the next day freezing!!

We are definitely biking a lot, as in over 30 miles one day!  hahaha that day was miserable!!
 We broke up with _____ , so that was sad, but when people don't progress, you break up!

We  have been able to find a lot of new investigators :) 
(more to come next week)

We had a fun OYM this week. This guy named FIDEL!
We were walking, and I told him, "buenas noches" and  just kept walking.
 It felt like a movie because I took about ten steps and the Holy Ghost told
me to turn around and talk to this guy. It seemed like slow motion. I turned my head around and yelled at him and told him we needed to talk about God. It was totally the Holy Ghost, because he has met with missionaries in El Salvador before. It was neat,  an experience that I will never forget!

I was able to see some familiar  faces from my  Kemah area.
THIS IS LUIS!! I was so excited to see him!
Well, short and sweet-
Hermana Widdison

Monday, November 2, 2015

                                                            November 2, 2015



Well, its finally, kind of, cooling down here in good ol Texas..
hahah thank goodness :)
NORMA, She is amazing, We had such a powerful lesson with her about family history, and she was so excited to be able to do the temple work for her daughter. She told us she received her answer that this church is the true church, and she is so excited to be baptized. We took some members with us, and she bore testimony to the members of this gospel. IT WAS SO POWERFUL! It was amazing! We were able to teach her a lot this week, and she just writes down all her questions, she has lots, and so it's amazing.  She is actually studying and progressing!

Also, we went and saw our girl MAIRA at work, and she was seriously so excited. We haven't been able to see her this week because of her work, so we went to her!  It was a little blessing for us to see her :) pray for her.. please ;) 

We had the privilege on Thursday to have a zone conference with a member of the Seventy, Elder Corbridge. He came and boy oh boy did I learn a lot!! It was really neat, just the things he taught us, and just what the Holy Ghost taught me. It was really neat and powerful! One thing I have learned is to really try and apply all the things I learn from our big conferences. I have really been trying to listen to how the Holy Ghost speaks to me, which is hard sometimes, but it's something I know I can work on!! 

Also we were able to help out at the federal doctors office and do some service! 
This time it was for kids to get glasses!! haha it was so fun! So there was about 200 kids, grades kindergarten to senior year, and they come in and are able to get free glasses! It was neat! Throughout that week they had over 1,000 kids.. CRAZY!! but cool :) 

We of course had a Trunk or Treat!!  Hermana Sanchez and I were the Cheetah Girls..
haha Cheetah Sisters :)

Fun, fast people in Guatemala don't carve pumpkins. haha so we carved pumpkins with Wilson, and and his daughter Allison, his cousin Melvin!! and it was fun! It was their first time.. haha they just think Americans are so weird.. haha they just didn't understand!! haha

Remember my old investigator ANA/?! aka Houdini.. haha SHE CALLED US! oh my goodness.. she called Thursday and I freaked out,  and now she won't respond,  but she called :)

and of course.. biking on the wet sidewalks and Hermana Sanchez should've crashed.. but of course we had angels with us, so I truly have a testimony of angels with us when we are pedaling.
and that was my week.. haha 


LOVE YOU ALL :) Hermana Widdison :)

Carving Pumkins

Cheetah Sisters and Princess'

Trunk or Treat

Thanks for the socks Mom

Happy  Halloween!