Wednesday, January 20, 2016

                                           January 19, 2016
 Howdy, Howdy, Hey :)
It's your favorite missionary ever ;) hehe

Companion number twelve and what a good one to have :)
She is from Eugene Oregon :) She loves the mountains and loves running. AHW, SO GREAT, I KNOW :) Her name is SISTER HUNTER, she doesn't hunt but she is fun. Heavenly Father really blessed me with her! She is so fun to be around, it's her first biking area, so she is learning! she is great :) We have a good ol time. 

I just want to share one miracle with y'all this week :)

On Friday night we got the prompting to go and visit a less active member.  We biked over there, and as we were locking up our bikes, this truck pulls in the driveway, and the member comes out, and then sees us, and then her boyfriend, (not a member) was in the truck and he had just gotten there, and so it was like boom perfect timing, she "had" to let us in. ;) hehe. We were just sitting talking, and the boyfriend who is from up north lives right by the temple... LIKE WHAT! So as we were talking we felt prompted to share a random scripture in 1 Peter, after we shared it, our member just goes on and on about how hard life has been for her this past week, then her boyfriend shares with us how the day before his dad passed away. So we started to share the plan of salvation with him, and he just started to tell us how all of it started to make sense, and how he feels his fathers spirit. Then he started asking about the temple, and is so curious about how his father can be saved, but first he wants to be baptized so his dad can be happy.

The spirit was so strong, my ribs hurt... 
It was a moment I will never forget.

I know Gods timing is perfect. 
It's so perfect.
Plus, the Holy Ghost is AMAZING.
I am  grateful for the knowledge I have of the plan of salvation, that I was able to testify to this man of his father.
IT WAS SO COOL! many miracles happened this week, but this was one I know will stay with me forever...

P.S Texas is still hot.

Sister Widdison
My new companion Sister Hunter

Our district in Pearland

Fun time making cupcakes!

We are lots of help, can you tell?

We had a SNOWBALL fight

Biking, Biking, Biking

Putting in some service hours

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